Barack Obama Missed Gado-Gado and Bakso… ??
U.S President elect,Barack Obama still remember all the stories when he was a kid at Menteng-Central Jakarta.He told this when President SBY received a called from Barack Obama when President SBY going back to Jakarta,after meeting with head government of G 20 in Peru.
In their conversation,heard that Barack Obama very familiar with our mother tongue and missing too with Indonesian food such as Gado-Gado,Bakso (meet ball) and fried rice which he usually eaten when he was a kid.
Obama promise that in a year of 2009 after APEC conference in Singapore,he want to stop over in Indonesia….We will wait U Menteng Boyz….
U.S President elect,Barack Obama still remember all the stories when he was a kid at Menteng-Central Jakarta.He told this when President SBY received a called from Barack Obama when President SBY going back to Jakarta,after meeting with head government of G 20 in Peru.
In their conversation,heard that Barack Obama very familiar with our mother tongue and missing too with Indonesian food such as Gado-Gado,Bakso (meet ball) and fried rice which he usually eaten when he was a kid.
Obama promise that in a year of 2009 after APEC conference in Singapore,he want to stop over in Indonesia….We will wait U Menteng Boyz….
2 komentar:
hehe,,klo gw tampaknya percaya ga percaya beliau msh kangen sama indonesia secara mendalam begono...,, ;P
yaaaaa... walaupun emang bener siy ya bow.., obama dl pernah tinggal d indonesia tp gw rasa reaksi orang-orang kita d indonesia d sini terlalu lebay deh....hehe,,terlalu berlebihan mksdnya,,, :P
tp ya biar gmana jg sjauh ini gw seneng2 aja obama jadi presiden amrik terpilih...hehe,,
yaa,,smoga kepimimpinannya bener yak,,,ga semena-mena kya presiden seblmnya yg bikin penduduk dunia sengsara lahir bathin...hehehehe,,,
dan smoga d akhir masa kepemimpinannya obama bisa menorehkan tinta emas d mata dunia....,,
(halaah2....geli amat bahasa gw-nya,,,,hehehe), dan bukannya dapet lemparan sepatu yg segede gaban gitu...hahahaha,,,
buat mbak 'in....d tunggu trus blog-blog keren lainnya ya bow,,,, ;P
thank u a lot yaa....buat comment dan masukannya.Ditunggu comment2 yang lainnya...
Pokoke sukses buat Pak de'Obama....hehe....
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